I had to make a decision this weekend as to go to Trewergy's Orchard with friends or to go to a Geocaching event to hang out with other cachers. The decision was simple as the event was going to have low attendace and I wanted to experience the orchard with Coop as he's going this week with school and I don't think I'll be able to get time off from work to attend. While waiting for the others to get there, I handed over my quarters to Cooper so he could do a little goat feeding, petting, and hugging.

After the goats, we walked around towards the first row of trees where the kids began chasing some chickens that were daring enough to come close. Cooper came pretty close to one but spooked it at the last minute.

After grabbing a delicious Cortland, it was time to head down to the Corn maze. This years was shaped like a butterfly.

The kids kept running ahead and then the group got split into two. Cooper was amazed at how tall the corn was and what it looked like right off the plant. I broke off an ear for him and he shucked it to reveal what turned into a corn sword.

Cosmo had done some reaching out to try to touch the goats earlier but when it came to bouncing around in the backpack through the maze, the constant rocking motion of walking put him to sleep and he was out for almost the whole maze and walk back to the barn.

After hitting up station 4 and punching out tickets, we quickly founds station 5 and made it out to the Wall of Fame. Cooper wrote his name on the wall and might get to see it later on in the week if they do the maze.

YAY! We did it. We found all 5 stations and only got turned around in the wrong direction once.

For Cooper, I think feeding the horses was just as much of a reward as the ice cream he got. He gave them some clover and a couple ears of corn for a snack.

Ice cream is pretty good, even on a blustry cold day.

I took like 10 pictures in a row of him sitting with the pumpkins and this was the only one that he didn't stick his tongue out or make a crazy face for.

After riding on this tractor for a bit, we all took a quick hay ride on a working tractor and then headed out. This was a lot of fun and we may come back just the two of us so we can slow down a bit and enjoy it even more.

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