I needed to get away for a few days this past week with all thats going on so I took the kids to may parents house for some quality time. As soon as we got there, Cooper had to pee and in getting him to run to the bathroom, I found that I had stepped on a freaking toad that one of the cats had brought in through the pet door. Cats stink. Luckily I had just barely gotten him or the mess would have been a heck of a lot worse.

In coming up with something for us to do to pass time with some fun, my mom suggested we take a ride on the train that runs from Rockland to Brunswick. She had taken my brothers daughters on a portion of the ride from Wiscasset to Brunswick and back said it was fun for the kids so we decided to go for it. While waiting for the train, we threw out a bag of stale crackers to the skyrats (seagulls) and Cooper had fun throwing them out one at a time and watching the birds fight over each cracker. Once that was done, we still had to wait as the train wasn't on schedule and ended up being about 30 minutes behind.

As waiting got boring, I decided to show Cooper a few fun things to do. We put our hands on the track to feel if the train was coming...(Stand By Me)

We laid out some pennies to be crushed so we could pick them up after the return trip (fully aware that defacing money is illegal but who hasn't tried it?)

Finally, the train showed up and we were ready to head out...

We moved from car to car to car stopping in some to sit, stopping in the club car to have a snack, and even went back as far as the end of the train to watch where we'd been as you couldn't really see ahead as to where we were going.

The ride just from Wiscasset to downtown Brunswick was about a two hour round trip and we had fun. Some day we'll take the full day and start in Rockland so we can ride the full length. I think Cooper would enjoy that even more.

I like the wooshing on these ones. We were really only going about 20mph but kind of looks like we were on a high speed bullet train or something.

Once we got back to Wiscasset, we found our pennies right where we had left them, only now they were squished. Fun...
1 comment:
Thanks for visiting Bangor Daily Photo.
I like the idea of leaving pennies on the train tracks. Never thought of it before. How interesting.
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