This little guy watched me for a minute while looking for Fisherman's Park on the Brewer waterfront. I didn't come up with the cache but watching him for a couple minutes made that ok.

Friday night, Wendy and I went to Orono again to try and get more caches that we both needed to wrap up the town. Again, we didn't get them all because of how quickly it got dark but that didn't stop us from getting one more that neither of us had. There was one spot that had two caches close by, one that I didn't have as well one that Wendy didn't have. When we parked, I tried to get as close to these two as I could but it was hard to stand still and get a good photo.

I hadn't even seen the second until I heard the snort sound deer make when they mad at you for invading their space. After they took off, we both grabbed the caches we needed and headed to one more spot to try and grab two that were on the same trail system as we were at on Thursday night. It was already dark when heading out so it was kind of difficult to find the right little trail that would have led us directly to the cache. We ended up finding the right trail but not without a quick little bushwhack. After grabbing the cache which was in great condition, we got on the wrong trail at first and had to backtrack to a waypoint I had marked when we first had left the trail. Had I not marked that waypoint, it would have been much more difficult to get out. It's pretty hard to navigate unfamiliar woods when your vision is limited to a 5foot swath of light at a time. Upon getting back to the car finally, I decided we had to stop at one more cache that Wendy needed to log as it's been on her aggrivating cache list for too long. This week I hope to clear a few of my own that have been there for just too long. We'll see as it's kind of a short week for me ability wise.
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