Cooper and Brayden. Those two names when spoken in the same sentence are usually followed by "got in trouble for....". These two boys while at Brewer Children's Learning Center in Brewer were absolutely the most troublesome duo but best of friends. They didn't however get much playtime outside of the daycare as schedules seemed to be really difficult to align. We did however get over to their house for an afternoon of hanging out. Even though they had a blast together, it was a rough afternoon for Cooper physically as he took a tumble down a set of deck stairs head first. He got his hands out in front of him but he couldn't stop his face from hitting at least one of the steps giving him a bloody nose. Luckily, he didn't break his nose or have his teeth go through his lip or anything during the fall but as I type this, I can easily re-live the exact moment in my head and it was a horrible feeling. After the nose bleed, Brayden's mom provided the perfect medicice...a green popsicle and all was good.
Cosmo tried his hand at driving while the boys played a little baseball.

The water was a little bit cold and the boys decided they'd share a good scream.

Coz was all set with getting in the pool. He was much happier playing in the water table. He was all set with swimming in that pool. He wouldn't even let me put his feet in the water.

After about 45 minutes of playing in a cold garden hose filled pool, the boys lips were good and purple but we got them to sit quickly for a picture together.
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