I think this picture says it all about the night we had. We went to the yearly Monster Truck show on Friday night at Speedway 95 with my brother and his girls and Cooper had a blast again. He kept on talking about Grave Digger and still is a little. This year was a little different in that he had already been before and is a year older. This time he knew it was going to be loud and knew what to expect, to a certain extent. When we first go there, the announcer was talking about people getting rides on the truck but Cooper was watching it and not really listening.
We got on War Wizard and got a two minute ride which was basically a half loop around the track with a couple figure eights and a drive up and over part of a dirt mound another turn or two and then back to the gate. It was much rougher than I thought it would be. I guess there's a lot going on there with the soft suspension, knobby tires, and four wheel steering. Anyway, this picture was after the ride at about 10:30pm. I think its funny to see the three totally different emotions on the kids faces. Sarah on the far left seems to be looking up and rolling her eyes as though not impressed. Danielle in the middle is just happy its over as one of the sharp turns caused her to bang her head a little on the hard seats we were in. Cooper is obviously a little excited and enjoyed the ride. He says that was his favorite part.
After the show, I kind of waited to see what the line was going to be like before we decided to take Cooper on it. It was only $5 for each of us so cost wasn't an issue. It was 9:30 when the show got over and we killed enough time deciding whether we were going to do it or not that we basically last in line. Most everyone had left and when we were walking back to the car, Randy Brown, the owner and driver of this Monster Jams Grave Digger was walking back to the track. He let us grab a pic on the way out and shook Cooper's hand. All in all a good night and we'll be back next year I'm sure.
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