Tuesday, May 26, 2009

First to Find

After looking at the available caches in the area with Wendy to see what I was going to go try and find at lunch, she pointed out that one of them had no logs yet. There were a total of three new caches within 8 miles of the office but the one with no logs was far enough out where if I went after it, I wouldn't have time to get the others during lunch as well. I left with two thoughts. Optimistically, I thought it was out of Bangor enough where the normal veterans might not have time to leave work to get it. Pessimistically, I thought those guys always seem to work out some way to leave work to get these minutes after they are published. While driving to one of them, I got a text message from Wendy that we had recess at work from 1-2pm leaving me with a 2 hour lunch. Right away I turned and headed for the unlogged cache. I got to the site and it was obvious where it was. The description was about an urban legend where a couple runs out of gas on a dark dirt road. The boyfriend goes for help and this big haunted tree blowing in the wind keeps tapping on the car...Anyway, I opened the cache container and no one had been there yet. Yay! My first FTF.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Congrats on the First to Find :)