Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Busy at Work

We've been so busy at work that recess has been reinstated. During recess today it was raining and I found a site that has Mini Cooper cut and folds.

Some are of the old English type while others are the new BMW made models. The English ones came out much better while the newer one (Silver)) that you see here in the US were a bit harder to tape up so they looked good. The front end came out looking more like a Prius.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

First to Find

After looking at the available caches in the area with Wendy to see what I was going to go try and find at lunch, she pointed out that one of them had no logs yet. There were a total of three new caches within 8 miles of the office but the one with no logs was far enough out where if I went after it, I wouldn't have time to get the others during lunch as well. I left with two thoughts. Optimistically, I thought it was out of Bangor enough where the normal veterans might not have time to leave work to get it. Pessimistically, I thought those guys always seem to work out some way to leave work to get these minutes after they are published. While driving to one of them, I got a text message from Wendy that we had recess at work from 1-2pm leaving me with a 2 hour lunch. Right away I turned and headed for the unlogged cache. I got to the site and it was obvious where it was. The description was about an urban legend where a couple runs out of gas on a dark dirt road. The boyfriend goes for help and this big haunted tree blowing in the wind keeps tapping on the car...Anyway, I opened the cache container and no one had been there yet. Yay! My first FTF.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

This year I got Meredith and Cosmo to come with Cooper and I to the Memorial Day Parade. Since we've had Cosmo, a lot of the events or things that get done end up being me and Cooper as its just easier if we don't try to bring Cosmo out, and most of the events (like geocaching) Meredith doesn't really have an interest in.

Notice they are both wearing blue and white. It was kind of gay but after I had gotten Cooper dressed in some new shorts and a blue and white polo and Mere came out of the bedroom in a white shirt and blue dress combo, I decided that Cosmo and I ought to wear blue and white as well. Well we watched the parade, clapped for the veterans, cheered on the band, and waived to all the antique cars. Really the only disappointment was the lack of the refueling jets doing passovers. Maybe next year.