Today started off really good and early. I woke up around 3:30 this morning to a phone call from Meredith kind of in a panic because the Carbon Monoxide alarm was going off. If you don't have one, some models are similar to a smoke alarm where as others plug into a wall outlet. The one we had in the house was the smoke alarm type and aparently was giving an alarm. She replaced the battery and it still wouldn't stop giving an alarm so she called me to come get the kids out of the house then called the appropriate authorities. I threw on enough clothes to head over and when I got there the fire department was there and the alarm had stopped. They had a portable tester and had indicated that all was ok. Apparently when you replace the batteries in these things, they take a while to reset giving reason for someone to think they have a Carbon Monoxide problem and add unneccesary stress to life for a little bit. Mere went back to bed with the kids and I attempted to grab a quick bit of sleep. Cosmo finally woke around 6, had a bottle and got set up so I could go get ready for work. Only about 14 hours left to deal with today...Why the heck is it that these things only happen in the middle of the night?
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